The mother of compilers

This time, we will have double resources related to Rear Admiral Dr. Grace Brewster Murray Hopper. First, we have an articled named Grace Hopper - The mother of Cobol from the l programmer website. Then we have a video documentary named The Queen of Code, directed by Gillian Jacobs.  These are the links to read the article and watch the video. Hope you enjoy them:

In this entry we will talk about a very important woman in computer science, as she was one of the first programmers in history and also she got the name or the title "mother of compilers" because she created the first compiler in the world,  in an era that was very difficult to hold(as a woman).

The problem she found at that time was that everyone at their copmuter, programmers had to write different programs depending on the computer they were using. That was the moment she decided to change the way of how to program, and after a hardwork, she created COBOL. With this, the programming became more friendly and easy to learn an use, and the number of programmers and people who started to use computers increase. That was a big chance in the world.

There's no doubt that thanks to her, computer science gave a good step when improving technology as more and more people got involved. Althoght, a very important thing to be mention, is that at Grace times, the discrimination to woman which was denotated that men are more intelligent than woman, the access to a lot of technology or information was very closed to them, but with that limits, Grace didn't give up, and she showed to all the world the capabiliity and intelligence that was hided by the blindness of the man.


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