Hi. My name is Marco Isaac Buendía Mejía. I am 22 years old. I'm studying the carrier Computer Systems Engineering at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. I live in Tecámac, but because my house is far from the school, I moved to an apartment. My hobbies are play videogames, watch anime series, play card games and climbing. But the last one, since I had an accident, I decide to leave the activity for a time. My future plan is to find a work in Japan and buy a house there. For that, I'm studying Japanese language.
Building Server-Side Web Language Processors
This time, ill give my opinion about the article named Build Server-Side Web Language Processors written once again by my professor Ariel Ortiz. Here is the link, so you can read it: This article is about the possibility of building a language processor, like a compiler or interpreter, in a web environment and the areas that has to be considered when doing the processsor. That is very interesting because it envolves some topics like language design, compilers and web architectures. And Ariel Ortiz tells us that making a language processor in a web environment is not that easy because you have to face the web development obstacles, like the security issues or manage it with the protocols. There are a lot of things you have to take care about when you want to make a web language processor, and that demands you the knowledege on every area it envolves. In order to do it, first is create the server up with connections and rules in order to regulate an...
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